I can't advance the main quest due to getting trapped in the bathroom at the bar due to a bunch of people blocking the way :/. The barkeepeer won't say anything else besides see the guys in the bathroom.
I would like to recommend a feature for Post-Bad-Ending gameplay: embracing the role given to you, if you understand what I mean. Could that be implemented into the game?
Am I the only one that has the 3rd skill not work at all on pc? I tried the game on Android and everything was fine, then I decided to start over on pc and the blink skill just doesn't work.
First of all incredible game I'm looking forward for more and hopefully buy the full version when I'm able to, and is there any way I can leave the peitho training base to do the rest of the missions?
I was really enjoying myself with this game. It has a really nice art style and the combat is really good for a NSFW game and over all it has a lot of charm. But I came the words written with a marker on vibe and I noticed that the word lesbian was crossed of. I got it removed but than the whole game became really uncomfortable for me. Its not that someone can't find out that they like more than 1 gender but the fact that it was even there made it feel rather distasteful. All I could think of were those "lesbians just haven't found a good dick yet" jokes which I'm sure isn't the case and I don't think it's what the creators intended. I know this is just a game and the characters are fictional but it still feels uncomfortable. I unfortunately don't think I can continue this game but I wish it a good devolpmemt and I hope to see more adult games which put effort into their design like this one.
Fair! It's a fantasy, not everyone's cup of tea. The body writing and really anything in the game isn't meant to say anything negative about gender identity or sexual orientation. It's a visualized degradation fetish.
Thank you for the well wishes and I hope you'll find a game that suits your preferences more! ^-^
Hello I wanted to ask if there is any list of kink's that are in this game. If not is there any hypnosis/mind control content in this game specifically?
On windows, there's a button in the load game menu to show them. On webgl, there's a download button. On Android, you need to have some sort of file-explorer app to find them.
I think this means that you chose to become a slut in the choice in the bar with jewel, which locks you out of the main story at the moment. To fix this, load a save from before you made the choice (autosaves are a thing) and change the choice
I'm coming back to this game after having been frustrated with the battle controls on Android, but they're still missing a couple of major things.
First, I figure there's probably a key command to exit the movement/target selection in battle, but as I'm on Android and don't have a keyboard plugged in, I can't hit that key. An on-screen Back button would solve this problem.
Secondly, it is very very easy to tap a specific square on the battle grid, but the game registers it as a square next to it instead so you end up spending two energy moving instead of one, or hit an ally when you mean to hit an enemy. Having some option for fine control of the targeting reticule would help. For example, when you select a square to move to, a confirm screen before the party member moves, and on that screen you get a D-pad layout of on-screen buttons to move the reticule one square at a time, and then a Confirm button and a Back button. If you tapped exactly where you meant to the first time, you can just hit Confirm and be done with it. Same for when choosing a target to attack.
If you do take action to fix these issues, I request that you add them to the current public version so we don't have to wait for these gameplay fixes to trickle down the content update pipeline.
So, first of all I wanna say that I love this game most among all games of this kind. Also excuse me for my french :) My version is 0.50.0 for Windows.
The main problem is that I can't go to the town (to the bar) during the quest "A night to remember" from Jewel. I've completed all the previous quests and now I'm in a mansion in Wilderness. All passes to the town are blocked, the game won't let me go through the "abandoned house", and there is no fast travel (or it doesn't work). What should I do? Please help SOS
Heya, did you chose to become a slut in the main story choice in the bar? Currently that just cuts the main story short and you have to re-load a save from before that choice to change it. We'll change this eventually.
I did choose to become a bar waitress and unlocked the bar ending, but I did it on another save. On the current save, I walk through the main story without completing any town jobs.
In the quest step before the one you're on, there should be a choice between trying to save karen and becoming a slut. If you chose becoming a slut, the main quest stops there. Do you know if you made that choice?
Oh, now I understand. And I almost sure I chose to save her back then. Yes, I thought there is no possibility to go further if you chose to became a slut, and as I say I've already complete almost everything through the main quest. I saved Karen, reached the caves of resistance, we ran away through barbarian tunnels and end up in a mansion (new base), and we saw the big evil tower north to the town, which can brainwash everybody... And after that we returned to the base, and my characters refuse to go to the town again. But now I have "A night to remember" quest, which says I must go to the bar, but I can't. And it prevents me from the latest main quest updates. Also I already saved Amy the slime girl.
May I ask how you saved Amy the slime girl? I stuck at the door to her room and a pinup, it asked a key card but I can't find one beside the one after 1st slime, which used for the gym.
Also I have some remarks and suggestions about a few minor issues.
1) I found one marvelous scene in Carceburg with a man behind the bar, as shown at the picture. It triggers when you speak with him without a badge. The problem is, there is no such scene or a similar scene at the gallery, and I've unlocked it all. I think you could add it to the Badgeless section or to the Carceburg section.
2) Secondly, I can't unlock some scenes from Peitho training section. I've completed all the quests and all trainings (and pushed everything I could), but still didn't unlock the first b-job scene. Also I can't unlock "ass inspection", cause there is no such option in the training screen. And the last scene is still "in progress", but the gallery says I can unlock it.
3) The last thing is not so critical, but it may causes some bugs. In the previous free versions I could buy a "kinky" costumes, and I still can wear one of it as you can see at my picture. But in current version the same costumes available only in the patreon version... Bruh/
I'm doing a street who** quest, and how can I continue this quest I've been trying to find liedryn but can't find him, I also checked in the basement of dealer den but he's not there, where can I find liedryn ?
can't get to town in " A night to remember" the wilderness leads me nowhere and in the mines the mc tells me I can't go that way and there's no option to fast travel
Alrighty.. I did some more digging and it seems that the latest windows defender update brought a false-positive entry along with it. Lots of other games and software appear to be detected the same way:
I'll look into building 0.50.0 again, resulting in a different zip file, that's hopefully not detected as a false positive? I also checked 0.51 and 0.52, they're both not detected, so I'm pretty confident that we didn't get struck with malicious code injection or something like that.
I'm trying to do a minimum perversion run so I can unlock the sleeping with Karen scene. I cant seem to find the way to get into Jenna's motel room after pretending to be a guard to Klaus after the fist night patrol. I've walked around the motel pressing E to try and find the window to crawl back through, but I can't get a pompt to interact with. Is this a bug? Or am I just missing something?
Nevermind, I found it, its just further out from the wall than I was expecting. If anyone else had trouble finding it, its directly behind the motel a little away from the wall.
anyone know why attempting to download the 0.50.0 windows zip version is making my antivirus scream? did someone insert something back end or is this a known issue?
I personally don't remember anything of the sorts, might've missed it. HOWEVER. It could be possible that you have a virus on your pc that inserts itself into stuff, or just flags stuff you dl as virus, so you better do a full pc check up.
Great game, glad to see activity as well. Some weird issues with gameplay that I think points to some design issues. Hopefully they are agenda for tightening up.
Some examples are being able to get into guard uniform during day, but people still just know its you when you talk to them.
Inventory system only really for Main Character, would love to see this more expanded for all of your party members.
Being locked into the badge anytime you go to the hotel. If an event removes the badge then you are good to take it on and off again but once you walk into the hotel it will complain about not wanting to take it off. (This might be a pure only issue).
UI elements overlapping important areas. (I might play with my resolution some to see if that affects it.) In general the Inventory UI is difficult to look at because the popup info window covers so much. Also in the Dancing the Greats cover up the buttons for the next move.
It would be cool if there was experience or gear progression for both Pure and Perverted styles. As it is right now most of the outfits all give the same benefits.
Another idea for fleshing out the Pure playthrough would be getting into situations where people push for sex but you get out of it with combat.
I am still working my way through the game maybe half way I think. it is brilliant and probably one of the closest games to having a sexy final fantasy style game. Storyline and loops and characters feel really well developed. Just the combat progressing and RPG elements are lacking in the development.
23 days later but heres the answer: I mean that theres no futa-futa or futa-female content as far as i have played, yes you can buy the "penis" on the clothing store but.. as far as i know, thats it. You use for nothing/no one comments on it
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I can't advance the main quest due to getting trapped in the bathroom at the bar due to a bunch of people blocking the way :/. The barkeepeer won't say anything else besides see the guys in the bathroom.
you can use the console command
level.load carceburg
to get out. It would help us a lot if you could send us your savefile though so we can fix this bug! :)
guide to use the console: https://anduogames.wordpress.com/2018/05/03/guide-to-the-console-in-third-crisis...
I would like to recommend a feature for Post-Bad-Ending gameplay: embracing the role given to you, if you understand what I mean. Could that be implemented into the game?
will the itch.io version catch up with the steam version?
Am I the only one that has the 3rd skill not work at all on pc? I tried the game on Android and everything was fine, then I decided to start over on pc and the blink skill just doesn't work.
Question: why i can't install the game?
When playing games on an Android phone, it will get stuck when entering the age asking interface
как закрепить матрасы, на которых вы лечитесь?
will there be a mac version in the future?
Unlikely, sorry
Is there anyway to clear all my previous data (gallery, pinups)?
Open console -> https://anduogames.wordpress.com/2018/05/03/guide-to-the-console-in-third-crisis...
which is better about v0.53 on patreon or steam version ?
Steam has 0.52, patreon has 0.53
First of all incredible game I'm looking forward for more and hopefully buy the full version when I'm able to, and is there any way I can leave the peitho training base to do the rest of the missions?
Heya, currently you have to load a previous save from before getting locked into the ending, sorry.
الرجاء مساعدتي لا أعرف ماذا أفعل لإنهاء هذا
Look, I don't write in my native language either, so please at least google translate to english.
The content is not available in the free version yet.
صريح ما شاء الله
هنا اظن لازم ترجعين غرفتك و تطورين كم شيء ، مو متذكر زين
طورت كل شي
انا عديت المهمه بس مو متذكر كيف ، برجع العب اللعبة و اشوف كيف عديتها و اعلمك ، اذا عندك انستا عشان ارسلك الطريقه لان هنا صعب
احم احم خلاص لا تتعب حالك ما بدي
بالعكس عادي مافي تعب بس اذا ما تبين براحتك
اختي هاد مابيفتح حاليا
مكتوب عليه in Development
يعني قيد التطوير على التحديث الجاي بيفتح
للأسف شكلي بضل محبوسة🪅💔
Hey, the version in steam is the same one have here? or have all the content?
heya, the steam version has more story content and some of the optional content is locked in the free version.
Is it possible to tranfer stuff from this version to the steam version, without issues?
yup. If you're playing on the downloaded windows version, it will just work automagically. On android and webgl, check here: https://anduogames.wordpress.com/2018/02/09/guide-to-save-files-in-third-crisis/
April update coming soon? Or towards the end of the month?
we're on it
Alright..nice work love the game appreciate you and the team
Hey, doesn't this game cost money on steam? Is this a demo version here?
This version has less content in the main story and some side content is cut.
I was really enjoying myself with this game. It has a really nice art style and the combat is really good for a NSFW game and over all it has a lot of charm. But I came the words written with a marker on vibe and I noticed that the word lesbian was crossed of. I got it removed but than the whole game became really uncomfortable for me. Its not that someone can't find out that they like more than 1 gender but the fact that it was even there made it feel rather distasteful. All I could think of were those "lesbians just haven't found a good dick yet" jokes which I'm sure isn't the case and I don't think it's what the creators intended. I know this is just a game and the characters are fictional but it still feels uncomfortable. I unfortunately don't think I can continue this game but I wish it a good devolpmemt and I hope to see more adult games which put effort into their design like this one.
It's a fantasy, not everyone's cup of tea. The body writing and really anything in the game isn't meant to say anything negative about gender identity or sexual orientation. It's a visualized degradation fetish.
Thank you for the well wishes and I hope you'll find a game that suits your preferences more! ^-^
Hello I wanted to ask if there is any list of kink's that are in this game. If not is there any hypnosis/mind control content in this game specifically?
Hey just a quick question, where can i find the saves files?
On windows, there's a button in the load game menu to show them. On webgl, there's a download button. On Android, you need to have some sort of file-explorer app to find them.
Does anyone know how to unlock the last gallery scene in the bar. It says lose the fight with the lumber rats but i'm pretty sure that's not it.
I think this means that you chose to become a slut in the choice in the bar with jewel, which locks you out of the main story at the moment. To fix this, load a save from before you made the choice (autosaves are a thing) and change the choice
For some reason it dosnt install for my phone
Is it an android phone?
Do you have enough storage?
What android version?
What is the error message?
The more details you give when reporting an issue, the higher the chance of someone being able to help you.
no error message and it's version 10 but there is no updates for the phone is it to low
so like you can download it, you press it, then nothing happens?
Hey I was wondering what the code is for the box on the "House" in carceburg.
The man inside simply says "Is it your hobbi to come in other people's homes".
But there is no 0 on the panel
Bottom row in the middle
This only leads to the code I posted. This radio console will be removed in the next update.
What do we do after the initial 22159 code and the radio frequencies appear?
I'm coming back to this game after having been frustrated with the battle controls on Android, but they're still missing a couple of major things.
First, I figure there's probably a key command to exit the movement/target selection in battle, but as I'm on Android and don't have a keyboard plugged in, I can't hit that key. An on-screen Back button would solve this problem.
Secondly, it is very very easy to tap a specific square on the battle grid, but the game registers it as a square next to it instead so you end up spending two energy moving instead of one, or hit an ally when you mean to hit an enemy. Having some option for fine control of the targeting reticule would help. For example, when you select a square to move to, a confirm screen before the party member moves, and on that screen you get a D-pad layout of on-screen buttons to move the reticule one square at a time, and then a Confirm button and a Back button. If you tapped exactly where you meant to the first time, you can just hit Confirm and be done with it. Same for when choosing a target to attack.
If you do take action to fix these issues, I request that you add them to the current public version so we don't have to wait for these gameplay fixes to trickle down the content update pipeline.
So, first of all I wanna say that I love this game most among all games of this kind. Also excuse me for my french :) My version is 0.50.0 for Windows.
The main problem is that I can't go to the town (to the bar) during the quest "A night to remember" from Jewel. I've completed all the previous quests and now I'm in a mansion in Wilderness. All passes to the town are blocked, the game won't let me go through the "abandoned house", and there is no fast travel (or it doesn't work). What should I do? Please help SOS
Heya, did you chose to become a slut in the main story choice in the bar? Currently that just cuts the main story short and you have to re-load a save from before that choice to change it. We'll change this eventually.
I did choose to become a bar waitress and unlocked the bar ending, but I did it on another save. On the current save, I walk through the main story without completing any town jobs.
Maybe you just say how this quest should work theoretically, if we didn't cut the main story? And I'll try it by myself=)
In the quest step before the one you're on, there should be a choice between trying to save karen and becoming a slut. If you chose becoming a slut, the main quest stops there. Do you know if you made that choice?
Oh, now I understand. And I almost sure I chose to save her back then.
Yes, I thought there is no possibility to go further if you chose to became a slut, and as I say I've already complete almost everything through the main quest. I saved Karen, reached the caves of resistance, we ran away through barbarian tunnels and end up in a mansion (new base), and we saw the big evil tower north to the town, which can brainwash everybody... And after that we returned to the base, and my characters refuse to go to the town again. But now I have "A night to remember" quest, which says I must go to the bar, but I can't. And it prevents me from the latest main quest updates.
Also I already saved Amy the slime girl.
You mean you don't know how to get to the bar?
Does this help?
May I ask how you saved Amy the slime girl? I stuck at the door to her room and a pinup, it asked a key card but I can't find one beside the one after 1st slime, which used for the gym.
Also I have some remarks and suggestions about a few minor issues.

1) I found one marvelous scene in Carceburg with a man behind the bar, as shown at the picture. It triggers when you speak with him without a badge. The problem is, there is no such scene or a similar scene at the gallery, and I've unlocked it all. I think you could add it to the Badgeless section or to the Carceburg section.
2) Secondly, I can't unlock some scenes from Peitho training section. I've completed all the quests and all trainings (and pushed everything I could), but still didn't unlock the first b-job scene. Also I can't unlock "ass inspection", cause there is no such option in the training screen. And the last scene is still "in progress", but the gallery says I can unlock it.
3) The last thing is not so critical, but it may causes some bugs.
In the previous free versions I could buy a "kinky" costumes, and I still can wear one of it as you can see at my picture. But in current version the same costumes available only in the patreon version... Bruh/
Thanks for your attention :)
Thanks, we'll look into these issues!
Next version will fix this. It's bugged atm.
Ok thanks.
Heya, I've already bought the steam version, do I have to buy the android ver too when it comes out on itch as well?
You can play the free android version, you can download it on this page :)
can't get to town in " A night to remember" the wilderness leads me nowhere and in the mines the mc tells me I can't go that way and there's no option to fast travel
The solution: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/998872224532529152/1083781077719580673/ThirdCrisis_cjBrUG4YgSmp4
From the mansion (your base) go to the left, then enter the mines, and then go to the right when you see a trolley - there is a secret passage.
theoretically this game files a have trojan
Can you elaborate?
i only scanned the game file and windows Defender detected a trojan and i scanned another two games uploaded in itcho windows defender found nothing
sorry for my bad english
That's weird, I just tried and nothing came up https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/825a19e94b9d5f176a9680b0b2dae19f64c376565366...
i dont know if they detected the trojan in a different file but i also experienced this. im not sure if its a false positive
That's weird. Even if I manually scan it with windows defender, it doesn't detect anything :o
Does the issue persist if you re-download?
Alrighty.. I did some more digging and it seems that the latest windows defender update brought a false-positive entry along with it. Lots of other games and software appear to be detected the same way:
I'll look into building 0.50.0 again, resulting in a different zip file, that's hopefully not detected as a false positive? I also checked 0.51 and 0.52, they're both not detected, so I'm pretty confident that we didn't get struck with malicious code injection or something like that.
A couple days ago I get a trojan too, but not with Third Crisis file, it was in another game from this site.
I'm trying to do a minimum perversion run so I can unlock the sleeping with Karen scene. I cant seem to find the way to get into Jenna's motel room after pretending to be a guard to Klaus after the fist night patrol. I've walked around the motel pressing E to try and find the window to crawl back through, but I can't get a pompt to interact with. Is this a bug? Or am I just missing something?
Nevermind, I found it, its just further out from the wall than I was expecting. If anyone else had trouble finding it, its directly behind the motel a little away from the wall.
anyone know why attempting to download the 0.50.0 windows zip version is making my antivirus scream? did someone insert something back end or is this a known issue?
I personally don't remember anything of the sorts, might've missed it. HOWEVER. It could be possible that you have a virus on your pc that inserts itself into stuff, or just flags stuff you dl as virus, so you better do a full pc check up.
I need some help.. entering the motel after dealing with the guards causes the game to crash lol
Great game, glad to see activity as well. Some weird issues with gameplay that I think points to some design issues. Hopefully they are agenda for tightening up.
Some examples are being able to get into guard uniform during day, but people still just know its you when you talk to them.
Inventory system only really for Main Character, would love to see this more expanded for all of your party members.
Being locked into the badge anytime you go to the hotel. If an event removes the badge then you are good to take it on and off again but once you walk into the hotel it will complain about not wanting to take it off. (This might be a pure only issue).
UI elements overlapping important areas. (I might play with my resolution some to see if that affects it.) In general the Inventory UI is difficult to look at because the popup info window covers so much. Also in the Dancing the Greats cover up the buttons for the next move.
It would be cool if there was experience or gear progression for both Pure and Perverted styles. As it is right now most of the outfits all give the same benefits.
Another idea for fleshing out the Pure playthrough would be getting into situations where people push for sex but you get out of it with combat.
I am still working my way through the game maybe half way I think. it is brilliant and probably one of the closest games to having a sexy final fantasy style game. Storyline and loops and characters feel really well developed. Just the combat progressing and RPG elements are lacking in the development.
the bar mixing is still not working
It's working for everyone else as far as I know. What's not working?
how do you get past the haunted mansion
Where exactly are you stuck? A screenshot always helps a lot
Can my saves and my unlocked galleries still be saved if I install it without deleting the android version?
I don't understand. Do you mean update? If you mean update, you can export the savefiles just to be safe: https://anduogames.wordpress.com/2018/02/09/guide-to-save-files-in-third-crisis/
i cant end mission " new strenght" why?
Unfinished content
9/10 game, only lacks futa, still good
but.. we have futa
23 days later but heres the answer: I mean that theres no futa-futa or futa-female content as far as i have played, yes you can buy the "penis" on the clothing store but.. as far as i know, thats it. You use for nothing/no one comments on it
So I decided to download the game today kind dev
I have a few questions
One is the mc jenna a submissive?
Two can we actually save Karen at the beginning of the game ? Soe comments suggested otherwise on steam .
Third game looks awesome in the preview pics
Jenna is a sub for Karen, yes.
You can't save Karen at the start.